Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Is This New?

Never, in all my years of living in the Bible Belt, have I seen something like this, directed specifically at children. Check out this treat my kid got in his bag last night:

I mean, I'm all for sharing the good news, but to specifically "market" to kids (Jesus is the real (emphasis in the original) Superman)? And look, they ask the kids to fill in their addresses and send this thing in with a box checked "Yes, I now trust in Jesus!" Is a little bitty thing like this enough to convince someone who really needs convincing? And should you be asking people's children to mail in stuff? Who's comfortable with their kid receiving mail from unknown entities?
Whenever you see me asking a bunch of questions like this, trust, I'm a little agitated. I can't explain it exactly--it's obvious that I don't mind my kid hearing and knowing about Jesus. And it's not that I think everything has to be filtered through me--that is contradictory to my denomination's belief in the value of a personal relationship with God.
But this really got to me. This paper has a number for kids to call. The only time it suggests consulting your parents is if you go to their website. My kid had his already filled out!
It's been a long day. I'm 73% sure I'm overreacting. But good grief!


Abadiebitch said...

I think there are people who are feeling their power loosening. The commodification of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

to me this looks like the ends justifying the means. ie, as long as we get one more person to Jesus, it doesnt matter how we do it! but i don't think the ends justify the means. especially when they comodofy Jesus, christianity, and what, they think if they get a paper back with the yes checked off, they have brought a lost soul to Jesus, and thus one more point for them? or are they planning on tallying up the "data" to see how many they saved? and then being proud of themselves? becasue checking yes = saved?
i feel your anger/frustration.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Girl, you are right to be cautious. And that stuff with them asking children for their addresses, very problematic, especially in this day and age. And I'm not even going to go there and say that sometimes there are more people waiting to take advantage of small children in these supposedly safe settings then other places. Just because they are spreading the good word doesn't mean it's all good. Better cautious then on the 10:00 news sobbing...

Anonymous said...

and another thing. how many kids are just going to think its about superman, and maybe they get cool free superman stuff and lets send it out so i can be in the club. and you know how little kids love to get mail.

elle said...

So I'm not a super-controlling, crazy-paranoid mama?

Thanks all!

RageyOne said...

Wow! I'm curious to know what happens when the phone number is called.

No, not super-controling, crazy paranoid at all. You are doing the right thing by investigating.

Kwinnky said...

I'm cool with Jesus and all, but Superman did kick ass in those Justice League cartoons. Not that I don't like The Son Of God's passivism, but the Superman/Darkseid fights were just cool.

Rebecca said...

You might look at it another way: what if you were Jewish and your child received this pamphlet? or if you were some other religion besides Christian? No, I don't think you're overreacting. This seems to me to be a calculated effort to encourage kids to go around their parents, and possibly even to detatch kids from their parents' religion. There's a time, place, and appropriate age for that--and Halloween ain't it!

elle said...


I thought about that and a couple of other scenarios when I first wrote this post:
And what if I wasn't Christian? What if I was devoutly or even half-heartedly something else?

What if I was someone who decided religion was too problematic and caused too many conflicts and I didn't want my kids exposed?

What if I were an atheist?

What if I was an abusive parent and one of my decrees was "No damned religion!" How would I react when I saw this little tract that I may have assumed my kid brought in purposely?

Anonymous said...

You're not overreacting, it's weird.
For all the reasons stated above.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...