Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Doing Everything I Can Do...

I have voted.

Crossed my fingers.

Thrown salt over my shoulder.

Ate a teaspoon of black-eyed peas from a barbecue restaurant.

Sent all my less-politically-inclined friends (in three states) a text message that said, "I know y'all always tired when you get off work, but please stop to vote!"

Rattled off one of those, "God, if you just let..." prayers that my mom and pastor would kill me for. I should admit, those haven't worked too well in the past--I don't think I have much to bargain with when it comes to God.

And now, feeling better, but still a bit tired, I'm going to wrap my hair back up and unapologetically get back in bed.

To wait.

Update: Moksha describes the hellish wait between now and tonight.


Abadiebitch said...

I'm trying to study for my GRE, but instead sayings keep jumping out at me.....


Gwyneth Bolton said...

I voted this morning before work. It felt so good. Because if nothing else, now I get to complain guilt free.

Zan said...

I'm saying my little "kick the fuckers out" mantra over here....

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...