Showing posts with label Carnival of GRADual Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carnival of GRADual Progress. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2007


I have been remiss, bad, just-plain-out-of-it when it comes to linking (and reading) the carnivals I usually keep up with.

One I'm not behind on: Fire Fly has the second Carnival of Radical Action.

The Carnival Against Sexual Violence comes out on the 1st and 15th of each month. Edition # 25 is up at abyss2hope.

The History Carnival is published on the 1st of each month. The current edition (#53) is at the American Presidents blog. The next wil be at Dr. Goetz's place on July 1. (I just noticed she's been blogging for five years. Wow!)

The Carnival of GRADual Progress (which offered me so much hope and support!!) is held monthly, around the 15th. The current edition is at When do you think you'll be done? (Isn't that THE most annoying question?). Next up, around July 15, at Fumbling towards Geekdom.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Three Carnivals. The resultant likelihood of elle getting any academic work done on this cold, rainy day... mmm... approximately 0%. But if I read up now, I'll be good the rest of the week, promise.

First, at abyss2hope, the Carnival against Sexual Violence. One highlight:
In How to tell a rape victim posted at F-Words, we get Sara's story of her experience with date rape, and how the "fate worse than death" idea kept her from recognizing it as rape because it hadn't completely broken her.
I think I know how Sara feels--in my case I took it to the point of, "Since I'm still functioning, working, writing, was I really raped?"

Next, at Working, Writing, Wailing Mama (that really should've been my name), there is the Carnival of Gradual Progress. What I need to check out posthaste:
check out the strategies for productivity provided by Jim Gibbon on overcoming procrastination and developing personal productivity. StyleyGeek gives another great roundup of such strategies here. (And don't forget to check the comment threads for more input on how the strategies are working for others.)
Finally, the 46th edition of the History Carnival is up at Investigations of a Dog. The carnival links to dcat who posted Reductio Ad Kingum. An excerpt:
But King stood for some fairly specific things in his life, and his legacy deserves more than simply to serve as a pillar of virtue for whoever can hastily utter his name first, irrespective of whether that invocation bears scrutiny.
which sounds vaguely* related to what I may have been trying to say in the post below.
vague on my part, not dcat's
Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...