Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Friday, September 05, 2008

Stuck on the Idea

My PC is about to die. The CD/DVD drive is no longer working. IE regularly freezes up (though I mostly use Firefox). I've had it for around five years. I might just need to de-virus it, but it's doing all the stuff it did before it crashed last time.

So I am preparing myself; I was going to just pay to have it checked out, but I'm thinking, maybe it's time for a new one.

Here's the thing though. I have this spiffy new laptop that I just got in May. I also have a work laptop that they're setting up for me. I have a computer in my office.

Practically speaking, do I need a desktop?

It's in my mind, I know. I don't think of laptops as "real" computers. Even here at home, I will type on the laptop, but I have to go to the "big" computer for printing or using spreadsheets or whatever.

Of course, while I'm not exactly technology phobic, my expertise extends to, "Kim, what is..." and "Kim, how does..."

What I'm asking is, would a desktop be a wasteful expense?

And please don't ask me for specifications about the laptops. All I can tell you is that they have memory (no, I don't know how much), Windows Vista, and Microsoft Office. Asking a question that requires an answer that ends in "bytes" will be treated as an insult. :-P

Friday, July 04, 2008

Ironing out the bugs

If you read me through a feed reader, you might have noticed that I re-did this post on the death penalty as the punishment for the rape of a child several times. I did struggle over it for a while, but that isn't the only reason.

I was trying to get half of it tucked behind the fold and I was doing something wrong.

But then, this morning, I noticed that part of that post was tucked behind the fold--only it was a paragraph from the middle. So you could read the whole thing on the front page (or think you were) with one much-needed, sense-making paragraph missing.

So I re-did it (and reposted your comments, Kim and Kismet). And this is mostly a test post.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

There is No Joy in Mudville

I dropped my cellphone.

The one on which I receive e-mails, read blogs, and text message like crazy.

And it will not come back on.

How can a relatively expensive phone be so fragile?


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Crash, pt. 2

Well, Best Buy couldn't back the hard drive up. So, I'm on the verge of saying f*** it and just sending it off for service. However, I talked to one of the manufacturer's technicians and she says I should try somewhere else. "After all," she said (and I swear I'm not lying), "there has to be a way. The FBI could get it no matter what."

I mentally ran through my list of influential contacts, realized none was an FBI agent to my knowledge, and returned to my initial dilemma: keep trying to back it up or just get it fixed before my head explodes?

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...