Wednesday, October 11, 2006


...are proceeding slowly. But, if you know me at all, you expected that. I'm excited though, because I've gotten some suggested readings from a professor who teaches a class on the impact of race, class, and gender on labor history (so my thing) at another Texas university and from Rachel S. (these are going to help me with the framework of the whole thing), some kind words and a tip on tracking down some obscure sources from Steve Striffler, and La Mala is looking at my bit on language as a "conflicted space" between "natives" and "newcomers."

I've also been bugging the other PhD students in my department who study relationships between racial/ethnic groups, because I can go to them and say tell me about this or that in your own words. A good way to get ideas for "who to know" in a particular field, but also to get a feel for what they're saying. That works better for me than book reviews and skimming.

Now if anyone knows how I can get in contact with Dr. Bill Heffernan (I've been trying for a while now, albeit half-heartedly) who used to be at the U of MO-Columbia and who wrote a paper on poultry farmers IN THE LOUISIANA PARISH I'M STUDYING (sorry; there's so little on the industry in this parish that I get excited each time I think about it), I'd be ecstatic.


Courtney said...

Sounds like you're moving forward! I like the idea of feeling out other grad students. I especially use that for my hopelessly-lost military history stuff.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

It sounds like you got that fire burning for the topic still. That's good! When you can still get excited about it knee deep in the revision process, that's a good thing. And sorry... I don't know how to get in contact with Dr. Heffernen... :-)

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...