Monday, January 30, 2012

Black Like Me

I re-read the book a few weeks ago because I am teaching it this semester. I have issues with, but I think it can be a valuable text. Who's read it? Anyone wanna discuss it? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Anita said...

I first read it in the late sixties or early 70's and I've started rereading it now; I downloaded it when I saw the invitation in your post! Oh, yes, I would like to discuss it, although what I really crave is for you to tell me what you see, I am reading the afterword right now because I did not know much of his history before and after writing this book.

elle said...

Ok, let me know when you're ready. My students discuss it Thursday--so maybe they'll offer insight, too!

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...