Monday, March 30, 2009

Things I've Missed the Last Few Weeks...

Jimmy Kimmel makes a "ho" joke when he's supposed to be talking about First Lady Michelle Obama's starting a new garden. And since he said, "the first time a ho has been used" since Clinton was in the White House, no, I don't think he was talking about Bill Clinton. (When it comes to sex, we know who gets "used" and labeled a "ho.")

Gwyneth Paltrow advising Joaquin Phoenix to "go live in the projects for a few years" to lend his rapping career some authenticy. But, 'sokay if she dispenses such advice cuz she has a black rapper friend, according to the article!

The passing of Dr. John Hope Franklin. I just showed my survey class his clip from "The War," called "Everything but Color" in which he talks about how he was ready to serve the country during WWII but was informed that he had all the right credentials, except color. According to Dr. Franklin, he determined that his country, "would not get me," that the U.S. did not deserve his service if that was how he was to be regarded. Every time I watch that clip, leaf through my old copy of From Slavery to Freedom, or read his words and thoughts, I love him a little more. Goodbye to a beautiful, brilliant, brave man.

A sweet tribute to him is here.


animeg said...

Jimmy Kimmel *fail*


IM BACK........

Renee said...

Of course calling women whores is so very funny. Yet another reason to avoid watching his show.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...