Monday, February 27, 2012

Sweetest Thing I've Ever Known...

While we were at home for my son's grandfather's funeral, my nephew told him, "I hope you don't cry."

I got ready to fuss at him. "Why? It's okay if he cries. It's his grandpa!"

"Because," my nephew said, "When he cries, I get tears in my eyes. I want to cry to. I don't know. Like when he hurt his nose in basketball and he was lying on the court, I cried, too. It's like we have the same power."

And of course, I melted. "That's love," I told him gently.

And he was right. Love is the sweetest power. I am so glad my son has someone who loves him so much. They've pretty much been raised like brothers (my sister and I lived together for years and now, my nephew lives with me) but just to hear that love put in halting, eleven-year-old words...

It's the sweetest thing I've ever known.


Dana Asbury said...

I love this so much

Self Rescuing Princess Society said...

Oh, this is so sweet. That would have made me cry, just to hear him say that.

elle said...

thanks y'all!

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...