Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Feeling Sort of Meh...

A combination of things:

1) Post-holiday down feeling

2) A touch of homesickness

3) Writing a syllabus and school starts next week!

4) Feeling the upcoming semester already:

---- MWF classes for the first time ever, which takes away my long weekends (during
which, I actually do get work done).
---- Will it be hard to trim down to a 50-minute class?!?!?!

---- Teaching an honor's class, had a special project outlined that now I'm worried about. Thinking of ditching it in favor of a longer paper--but don't want their project to be "just" a paper.

---- My son has after-school extracurriculars out the ass--choir, skippers, Spanish, basketball, and maybe math tutoring. He wants to take guitar lessons--I'm thinking of looking into it because I want to encourage any interest in music. Can any one say frazzled single mom?

5) Presenting at the OAH and I want to seriously re-work that paper.

---- My department will reimburse me for some of the trip expenses, but have I mentioned that I'm not just rolling around in the dough yet?

6) Dee's wedding! Two months to go, and it's the little things that are stressing me.

7) Time to finish revisions on what I hope to be my first article. Really, it just is.

8) Feeling pressed for time and unable to keep up with blog-worthy topics at this moment.

9) Just finished "The Wire." Post to come. DRAINING.

10) The month of March--that's wedding, a panel I'm sponsoring, OAH, evaluations time. My spring break that month will be irrelevant.

Making that list made me feel better.

Send/leave me links to things you think I should read!!! I hope to be back up in the next couple of weeks.


RageyOne said...

You do have a lot going on.

I feel ya on the blogging voice. I'm in the same boat, it seems.

Sylvia said...


Professing Mama said...

I want to apologize, because when I (finally, after more than a year!)updated my blogroll last week, I missed changing you from elle, abd to elle, phd. Didn't mean to be a jerk--I just missed it.

You *are* a busy woman. I hope you're feeling more settled soon. Be good to yourself.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...