Saturday, February 18, 2006


I've been reading some posts over at mistaken grad student about the funk she's been going through. To say I feel her pain is an understatement. Most of the new year has passed by in a blur for me because I have been incredibly unhappy. And while it has eased somewhat, there is still this vast, achy expanse inside me. I think the title of her blog "Opinionated and Fragile" fits me, too. I feel like I'm holding myself together with really cheap thread and another strong gust will result in the Disintegrated Pile Formerly Known as Elle.
I want to get better though and in trying to understand what the hell is wrong with me, I've realized some things. They'll follow...


Anonymous said...

One mo' question. Its stated in your "About Me" in addition to being "liberal" and "feminist"... "she's pretty too!"

May I ask: says who?


elle said...

attacking a woman with a mind on the aesthetics issue. **sigh** search around, baba. i quite clearly say somewhere exactly who said it.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...