Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Belated Blogiversary BFP!!!

Yay!! Wheeeee!! Hooray!! Yippee!!

(I don't know how to make it look like confetti is falling, so here's a song)

Much love and appreciation for all that you do, on and off the blogs.


bfp said...

OMG, I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you SO much!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

elle said...

welcome, welcome, welcome.

Giftie Etcetera said...

In my little corner of the netoverse, BFP means "big fat positive" pregnancy test.

elle, you totally had me fooled.


elle said...


I'm sorry. I usually say this shop is closed for business. I'm unpartnered, my son is 10+, and my patience level is negatively correlated with my forgetfulness--I'd leave the house with a bag and no baby, I'm sure.

But, to be honest, I also say it because there are so many babies around me--niece and nephew under 1, two-year-old goddaughter, etc.--that I get my baby fix (I do love how sweet and warm and good they feel and smell) vicariously. Plus, I have 21, 19, and 18 yr old nieces and a 17 yr old nephew, so in six to ten years, I suspect I'll have all the little bitties I can handle.

Then after that (in 20 yrs or more, I hope :-) I'll be ready to be "Big Mama."

(See how I plan out everyone's lives?)

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...