Thursday, March 01, 2007

Carnival Time!!

First up, the 49th edition of the History Carnival, at History is Elementary, including a post about my inimitable Soror, Barbara Jordan at Disability Studies, Temple U.:
In 1966, she became the first African-American woman to serve in the Texas Senate. She started her term in Congress in 1973--the same year she learned that she had multiple sclerosis. Important moments in her career included her service on the House Judiciary Committee, where she made a memorable televised speech in favor of Nixon's impeachment (audio and text available here), and her keynote address to the 1976 Democratic Convention. titled "Who, then, will speak for the common good?" (audio and text available here).
And I'm glad my school isn't on this list of "[A] Dozen or More Doctoral Programs in History that Ought to be Shut Down." Ouch.

The Carnival Against Sexual Violence is up at abyss2hope. The myths about sexual assault by Rekha Basu posted at HOLLY'S FIGHT TO STOP VIOLENCE reveals "how the myths about sexual assault impact laws and justice for sexual assault victims." Excerpts:
That gives lie to the biggest myth about sexual assault: of the stranger jumping out of the bushes. While that may be the most common media image, the vast majority of sexual assaults are by people known to their victims.

Here are two more myths: That famous, rich or good-looking men would have plenty of access to consensual sex, so they don't need to rape. That presumption has worked against the victims of rape by sports icons.

And a particularly ugly one: That rapes are likely to be of white women by black men. In fact, the overwhelming majority of rapes are committed by someone of the same race.

Recent reporting on the Duke lacrosse case, including a "60 Minutes" segment, also gives the impression that the prosecution's case fell apart because the victim recanted the allegation (and therefore that it didn't happen). But she didn't recant about being assaulted. Only one charge, of rape, was dropped. Two others remain: first-degree sexual offense (also a Class B felony) and kidnapping. Those are still awaiting trial.

As to why the rape charge was withdrawn, instead of blaming the victim, you could blame the limitations of North Carolina law, which limits its definition of rape to penile-vaginal penetration... the woman was not certain whether a male organ or some other object had been used against her.
Finally, this isn't carnival related, but since I'm pointing you towards reading material, please, please, PLEASE do yourself a favor and read Quaker Dave. Just read him!


Abadiebitch said...

Elle, thank you so much for having faith in me. I saw that you linked me in your article. I appreicate it so much. I am trying to work it through, I really am.

elle said...

you're right--i have the utmost faith in you :-)

QuakerDave said...

You're a sweetie. Thanks for the link.

Abadiebitch said...

Elle, thanks for your long comment over at my joint. It gives me much to think about.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...