Copied this from Dorcasina:
20 years ago I . . .
1. was a miserable sixth grader
2. won a regional writing contest
10 years ago I . . .
1. graduated college
2. met my kid’s father
3. started (and subsequently quit) an MA program in counseling psych
5 years ago I . . .
1. started work on my doctorate
2. celebrated when T received her bachelor’s
3. left Louisiana again
3 years ago I . . .
1. pondered where to send my kid to kindergarten
2. received my first significant fellowship
3. started preparing for my comprehensive exams
1 year ago I . . .
1. got serious about my dissertation
2. set a graduation deadline
3. got really nice highlights :-p
So far this year I . . .
1. have written some pretty strong chapters
2. was scared out of my wits by my father’s horrible reaction to dialysis
3. cut my bangs in a fit of restlessness
Yesterday I . . .
1. bought a really big Coach bag for $112
2. sat on my bed and talked to some of the women who are dearest to me in the world
3. did more "talking to" than "fussing at" my son
Today I . . .
1. will go to church
2. will wave goodbye to T and her best friend
3. will argue with my son over what he wants to eat for dinner
Tomorrow I will . . .
1. sleep in—school is out for a day!
2. seriously consider rearranging my desk
3. get to work on my bibliography—I have four sets of endnotes and no comprehensive bibliography (yuck)
In the next year I will . . .
1. hopefully defend my dissertation
2. make my parents proud
3. get a job!!!
*still jealous* about your shopping trip.
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