Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Don't Think "Bad" Is the Word They're Looking For...

Living with someone who loves reality TV has sparked many thoughts in my active mind...

Mm-kay... re: "The Bad Girls' Club,"

Given Amber's bi/homophobia ("How can you not know what you like?" "Unless you just like licking vagina, why would you be a lesbian?" "I don't understand [bisexuality]!"


Kate's racism ("I don't feel like going to a club and being hit on my black men... but I'm not racist." "I'm not racist, but I just prefer to have white friends.")

and Natalie's... everything...

why are these people on TV?


Anonymous said...

I watch the Bad Girls' Club sometimes, so unfortunately I contribute to the stated timeless dilemma in this post...

I have to change the channel during the super mean or violent parts (I can't stomach watching girls get hurt in any way that hits me at a visceral level), but for some reason I can watch the parts that aggravate the fuck out of me, like Annie's passive aggressive smugness.

Unknown said...

These people are on TV because they're bigoted and will say and do bigoted shit. Reality TV is driven by interpersonal conflict. A lot of it is done with editing, but there are other tools. Many shows make sure the participants have access to a free and endless supply of alcohol on the in vino veritas principle. Casting directors make sure to include at least one snitch who will tell people what other folk have said about them behind their back.

And of course they cast people who are most likely to stir shit up. Bigotry is great for shit-stirring. It's great for ratings. People who agree with the bigotry get to see their bullshit reinforced on TV; people who disagree with the bigotry get to feel safely outraged; everybody wins!

(It's so hard to not engage the content of the ignorant bullshit too. Like "Oh hey I could completely introduce you to lesbians who don't like to give head." Noooooot a productive use of my time.)

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...