Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm Looking for a Word...

What do you call it when you aren't particularly physically tired, but you don't want to do anything? When writing is anathema to you? When you pick up a book with more than 16 pages and toss it back down? When even your usual self-descriptors of "procrastinator," "works best under pressure," and "aspires to career student-hood" seem inadequate?

Is it a desire to owe Sallie Mae for the rest of your life cuz you won't hurry up and finish? Is it burn-out? Or is it that little ugly word that I'm whispering to myself... am I... (gasp)...LAZY?

The great Elle won't even contemplate such a patently untrue claim.

In lighter news, Sis and I discovered a new doughnut shop that reminds us of Southern Maid. And I know it's okay for us to go there and partake of the white-flour-and-refined-sugar sublimeness cuz guess what? It's across the street from our Curves! The proximity alone has to cancel out some of the fat and calories, right?


Virginia Pickel said...

What is this word "lazy"? I'm afraid it doesn't register in my vocabulary :-)

elle said...


RageyOne said...

Oh my! You are from the northern part of our home state. You said Souther Maid! I think just passing by the Southern Maid doughnut factory in North LA town one would gain 10 pounds! :>)

On the writing bit - sometimes you need a mental break. I wouldn't call it laziness. That my dear Soror is not a term we Deltas use to describe ourselves.

Revelations and ruminations from one southern sistorian...